David taylor pastor
David taylor pastor

david taylor pastor

In this way – especially if there are dependents – they can take advantage of the earned income credit and other tax breaks they also profit from at end of year. Yes it is possible to have extraordinary assets under the ministry name and still only report $30,000/year tot he judge. Since tax returns are used for most court and auditing proceedings, many preachers list only a meager salary on their returns. This fraud also goes on with these persons at family court for child support. No conscience that he wears Louis Vutton while his constituents may shop at Ross.Īnother trick of the trade of many who call themselves fulltime pastors with very little oversight, is personal tax return fraud. He has absolutely NO CONSCIENCE that he has been a robber or that his constituents suffer trying to keep their lights on at home. When confronted that he may be being too lavish on his spending, he simply shrugs off the interrogator as trying to make him look bad. You can also see how uncomfortable David is having to account how he spends money given by the poor and disadvantaged on many designer suits and belts. Do you know where those dollars go? Many of your leaders have David’s testimony. As a result, a preacher can walk away with bundles of money every time he or she shows up at an event. In addition, they have spent years mastering some of the best sales pitches that somehow, your destiny is tied up in theirs and the ministry they represent. But once they get you in the door, it’s a product bonanza and fair where they sell you many of their sermons, get rich kits, how-to kits, prayer cloths (to heal your cancer), and over-priced knick-knacks.

David taylor pastor free#

Part of the scam of many preachers (not just David) is that they tell you all these services are free with no cover charge. However, since then, he’s been building his following back up by having “healing” and “prophetic” services in different cities. David lost many followers over that video.

david taylor pastor

He’s the famous “prophet” that called the wrong win at the NFL Superbowl a few years back between the Broncos and Seahawks. Just to give you a little history on David, we have been covering him for at least two years as a fraud. Your leaders could be just like this guy making it rain – whether at Disney Land or the local strip club - with entourages of people none of which are you or your family. We have no idea what the dollar amounts were that were collected.

david taylor pastor

No, I am not just talking about the tithes, but the “seed” money, money thrown at the “apostle’s” feet, or the night Bishop Rollo came through for a healing service. Not only do we not know what Sunday morning’s take was (for some multiply by several services), we also do not know what the money was spent on specifically. I have been young and now am older and for the life of me, I cannot understand why we do not ask our leaders for receipts of donations. YOUR PASTOR COUNTS ON YOU NOT ASKING FOR RECEIPTS!

David taylor pastor